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Dima Bilan & Anastacia - Safety

Dima Bilan & AnastaciaBreve apparizione di Anastacia, che dueatta assieme al cantante russo "Dima Bilan". Il brano "Safety" , publicato l'11giugno in Russia è arrivato anche da noi in Italia. Una bella canzone d'amore che fa molto sognare dalle musica "soft" e rilassante esaltata magnificamente dalla incredibile voce di "Anastacia". Di recente è stato rilasciato anche il video ufficiale in cui è possibile notare una Anastacia in forma sorprendente, come se il tempo si fosse fermato per lei facendoci  dimenticare i suoi 40anni. Un pò criticato Dima Bilan fosse messo troppo in secondo piano dal calibro della sua partner


You saved, you know you saved me
When you never gave up on me baby
Walked away, you care about me now I'm yours
My heart was so rejected
You gave me shelter to protect it
Far away, so reconnected
Now I'm yours
And I...
Wish you could see the way I see you
Just like the morning when it breaks through
Best part of me is when I met you
And I'm never gonna leave, that'll never be
If I could give you what you gave me
Then you would know what that'd make me
When the world is trying to knock you...
I'll be your safety
The chains, I felt you break them
Wrapped your arms around me to replace them
Took my hand, forgave my mistakes and now I'm yours
That's why I'm always gonna be there
When life reminds us that it's not fair
I'll pick you up and take you to a place where I am yours
Tell you once, tell you twice, tell you everytime
I'll never leave what I need, you're my lifeline
Through the darkest, coldest nights ohhh baby
I'll be your safety
You're safe, I'll be your safety

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